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I am a shape painter who loves color but requires value - my adventure with watercolor has led me to this realization.  Unlike the subject matter shift from landscapes/cityscapes in my early work to figures in my recent creations, this basic way I perceive painting will not change.


The reason for my current interest in figures is twofold.  First, I enjoy the interesting shapes, both positive and negative, that are present in the body language of single and multiple figures.  But most importantly, I am fascinated by the stories of everyday people doing everyday things - things with which I can identify.  I paint what I know - places I’ve been, things I’ve done, emotions I’ve experienced, etc.  I work in my studio from photos I have taken.  My wish is that viewers can make connections and complete the stories being introduced in my paintings.


But a good story needs a good presentation.  It needs great design.  To get great design there need to be interesting shapes and good movement of both dark and light passages through the composition.  I attempt to do this in each painting.


Recently I have been experimenting with using acrylic paint and gesso in combination with watercolor, watercolor crayon, and ink to create abstract figures and non-objective mixed-media compositions. I look forward to seeing where this leads me on my artistic journey.